
Photographer's Experience With Product Photography

Amazon photographer USA

How to Hire the Best Amazon Product Photographer in the USA?

Amazon is one of the largest eCommerce stores in the world, with over 50 million different products. For any online seller, it is a dream to become successful on Amazon and beat the competition. While the eCommerce giant provides access…

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Best Jewelry Photography Ideas

What to Expect from an Expert Jewelry Photographer

Taking pictures of jewelry is different from other kinds of product photography. By jewelry, we mean ornaments (rings, necklaces, earrings, and likewise) and watches. They are more challenging to capture because of the smooth and shiny surfaces. These pieces can…

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White Background Product Photography

Common Mistakes that can Ruin White Background Product Photography

White backgrounds are common in product photography to enhance every aspect of the item. You would not want your target audience to miss out on the little details that make your product unique and worthy of buying. A white or…

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